About Us

Here at SCB Handmade Pet Treats, our sole aim is to provide peace of mind for owners that our beloved pets are only eating the best quality treats. Providing safe and healthy ingredients throughout our products allows our pets, large and small, to enjoy these treats regularly.

I have been an animal lover my whole life and spent all of my childhood (and adulthood, lets be honest) looking after all of my different pets. I knew that my only career path had to be doing something animal related because I understand them better then I understand humans. Having completed a National Diploma in Animal Management and an honours degree in Animal Behaviour, with continual study of canine behaviour (you never stop learning!), I have consequently studied animal nutrition in a wide variety of species. As a behaviourist who has worked with dogs my whole adult life, I completely understand how important our furry family members diets are. Good quality food can improve not only the everyday health of our pets, but also their behaviour and mental wellbeing.

This is the reason I initially created these luxury, artisan treats, as I wanted all of our wonderful pets to be able to enjoy a safe and healthy diet without any hidden nasties involved. There are a lot of cheap, interesting looking treats on the market, however, you never quite know what is in them. We are all about transparency and list every ingredient for all of our products so you know exactly what you are buying.

So, with help of my beautiful old rescue staffi, 5 greedy rats, 4 chinchillas and my little old degu as official testers, SCB Handmade Pet Treats was born.